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Government Of Assam Panchayat & Rural Development Assam State Rural Livelihoods Mission (ASRLM)


PRI-CBO Convergence Project in Assam

ASRLM-Kudumbashree NRO Partnership




  • Creating a model for supporting both PRI and CBO networks
  • Effective convergence between PRI - CBO and departments leading to sustainable practices which addresses the developmental needs of the panchayat as a whole
  • Creation of robust institutional structure - VOCC and GPCC
  • Development of local cadres to expand and implement PRI -CBO convergence project

During FY  2014-15, Assam State Rural Livelihoods Mission (ASRLM) partnered with Kerala State Poverty Eradication Mission, Kudumbashree - NRO for implementing PRI CBO (Panchayati Raj Institutions - Community Based Organisations) Convergence Pilot Project in Assam in 36 pilot GPs of two blocks of Laharighat and Bajiagaon in Morigaon and Nagaon districts respectively.The main objective of the partnership between ASRLM and Kudumbashree NRO was to create a model for supporting both PRI and CBO networks for effective convergence leading to sustainable and better implementation of NRLM. In the long run, it should result in the creation of a robust institutional structure of the poor that is closely linked to local governance and development.              

Assam was a forerunner amongst other states doing the Convergence pilot project. Now, ASRLM is scaling up the pilot project to 4 new blocks i.e. Barhampur (Nagaon), Laokhowa(Nagaon), Dhekiajuli(Sonitpur) and Borsala(Sonitpur) at first phase from FY 2017-18 onwards. The internal pool (Internal Mentors) developed during the piloting are helping in scaling up the PRI-CBO Convergence project. Kudumbashree- NRO, Kerala has been handholding the Internal Mentors in the scaling up programme. The number of panchayats in the new blocks total to 51. Govt. of Assam is also contemplating to replicate this PRI-CBO Convergence to all blocks of Assam in near future. In its first phase of Expansion,19 blocks have been selected for the project.

Rational for the selection of Blocks:

  • Phase I and Phase II blocks of ASRLM (Blocks more than 3 years of implementation)
  • Functioning DMMU / BMMU units
  • Full- fledged HR positions at the DMMU/BMMU units
  • At-least 60% saturation in the Blocks
  • Sufficient CBO structure i.e.: SHG, VOs and CLFs
  • Capacitated CBO structure
  • Functioning Jeevika Sakhis

Only 19 blocks can be taken due to the lack of internal cadre (Internal mentors) for the financial year 2018-19

These blocks will be strengthened as Resource blocks for PRI-CBO convergence project because of the following results emerged out of the project:

  • Capacitated local cadre who can support the model in their own blocks and also be used in scaling of the model in other blocks
  • A robust institutional structure for enabling convergence and participatory governance at the GP level
  • CBOs emerging as a service delivery agency
  • Nurturing innovative action by local communities
  • Poverty reduction plan prepared by CBO and its acceptance by various stakeholders

Progress during FY 17-18 and FY 18-19: Sensitization Campaign for Stakeholders:





Orientation to DMMU and BMMU staff

  • One day district level orientation for DMMU and BMMU staff
  • Nagaon - 15 Participants
  • Sontipur - 24 participants


Orientation to line department officials

  • One day block level orientation to different line department officials like agriculture / health/ education/ social welfare / animal husbandry etc.
  • 53 participants from all four blocks representing different departments 


Orientation to JSs

  • One day orientation to the JSs of all the panchayat at Block level
  • Barhampur - 14 participants
  • Lawkhowa - 13 participants
  • Dhekiajuli - 16 participants
  • Borcholla - 11 participants


PRI Orientation

Initial orientation (cluster level)  to the PRI members

  • Barhampur - 44 participants
  • Lawkhowa - 47 participants 
  • Dhekiajuli - 52 participants
  • Borcholla - 38 participants

Developing Local Resource Group Cadre:





LRG identification and Selection

Selected LRGs for all the panchayats

  • Barhampur - 127 participants and 88 selected as LRG’s
  • Lawkhowa - 189 participants and 68 selected as LRG’s
  • Dhekiajuli - Ongoing
  • Borcholla - 139 participated and 102 selected as LRG’s


LRG training

Initial Training for the LRGs selected:

  • Barhampur - 76 participants
  • Lawkhowa - 59 participants 
  • Dhekiajuli - 156 participants
  • Borcholla -    80 participants


Other Trainings for LRGs

  • Training on VO and its sub committees
  • Training on PAE
  • Training on EAP
  • Training on VOCC


Review meetings

Monthly monitoring by Internal mentors,

Quarterly monitoring by mission staff and external mentors

Identification and developing of Internal Mentors:





Internal mentor training - Phase I

  • Completed two day training for 30 selected Internal mentors at Nagaon.


Internal mentor selection -Phase II

  • 2 day selection process
  • Active 39 Internal mentors in field as of now


Other trainings

  • VO and sub committee training
  • Training on schemes and PAE tool introduction training
  • EAP and VOCC training


Review Meetings

Monthly review meetings with SPC/FC , Mentors and Mission staff

Gram Sabha - Then and Now:

Innovative Activities:

  • Literacy Programme - 964 SHG members in Barhampur 
  • Kitchen Garden initiative - 52 HH in Borcholla
  • Re- enrolment of school drop outs ( 30 re enrolled as of now)
  • Legal counselling committee formation - 2 in Dhekiajuli
  • Financial Literacy programme - With SBI, AGVB , UCO
  • Health Camps and immunisation campaign
  • Eye Camps
  • Adolescence awareness classes
  • Legal literacy classes - VOCC in coordination with advocates, police etc
  • Women’s day celebration
  • Bal Sabha Programme