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Government Of Assam Panchayat & Rural Development Assam State Rural Livelihoods Mission (ASRLM)

Homestead Garden

Homestead garden for Spices

Agrarian State Assam:

Assam, a state falling in the Eastern Himalayan Agro-Climatic zone is a rural agrarian state of huge potential. Most rural families have access to agricultural land with about half a bigha of homestead. Majority of rural households are marginal and small farmers.

The Pathar, i.e. paddy fields in valley/ plain areas are by and large mono-cropped with rainfed paddy in kharif. Farmers cultivate mainly for home consumption.

Most of the household from Assam has a homestead land adjoined to their house. The homestead is well fenced, mostly having irrigation source. Places where inundation is not a problem, homestead is covered with plantation crops like Arecanut and Betel vine or black pepper.

Awareness and practice of scientific orchard management- proper spacing, irrigation, manuring, plant protection and other cultural operation is completely missing, resulting in low productivity and income from existing plantation. Besides, with increase in age of the plantation, there is natural decline in productivity per plant due to lack of systematic replacement of old plants with newer one. All these constrain have led to low and declining income per unit area of homestead.

Homestead Garden of SHG Members:

Homestead gardens are a time-tested local strategy that are widely adopted and practiced in various circumstances by local communities with limited resources in many developing countries and are widely used as a remedy to alleviate poverty and malnutrition. Homestead gardens are important supplemental source contributing to food and nutritional security and livelihoods.

Adhering to the objective of the ASRLM a livelihood intervention model has been proposed to revamp the homestead area of SHGs members’. The proposed model is for revamping homestead of Assam through integrated farming system to enhance income per unit area land. The model has been proposed for a homestead area of 0.5 Bigha. But practical situation will vary in each house- holds, thus require proportionate use of land for different activities with due customization and localization depending on farmer’s preferences, area and other conditions of homestead.

Objective of the Project

  1. Design a sustainable model of integrated homestead farming for SHG members based on finding of scoping study of existing livelihood activities.
  2. Improvement in productivity per unit of homestead land and improving soil health through INM, IPM, ICP & IWM
  3. Diversification towards high value crops with focus on Ginger, Garlic, Black pepper and other spices as well as other integrated farming system interventions like horticulture, poultry, piggery, fishery and better livestock management to increase gross returns
  4. To develop strategies for reducing harvest and post-harvest losses, aggregation of produce, processing and warehouse facility.
  5. To facilitate processing, value addition, branding and marketing future expansion.
  6. To mobilize 6000 SHG members and convert them into producer collectives at ground level.

The Project

Districts where project will be implemented

Lakhimpur, Dhemaji, Dibrugarh and Tinisukia

Proposed Crops to be undertaken in this project

Ginger, Garlic, Black pepper & other Spices

Estimated SHG Members to be covered under the project  


Estimated Producer Groups to be covered under the project  


Estimated Producer Companies to be covered under the project  


 Estimated Clusters to be Covered under project


 Number of Villages to be covered

10-15 villages in each cluster
