Bagan Bazar (Nutrition Shop)
There are more than 1000 (one thousand) tea gardens in Assam where workers originally coming from Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal have engaged themselves and subsequently settled in Assam permanently becoming part of the greater Assamese community. They are known as Tea and Ex-Tea Garden Tribes, who are reorganized as Other Backward Classes by the Government. These people not only constitute a sizable chunk of the population in the State but also play major role in tea production of the State (about 53% of the total tea production of the country) and thus contributing significantly to the economy of the State. But, economically, they are quite backward and literacy level among these communities is extremely low. Steps have been taken by the Government for improving the level of literacy and education besides providing other economic inputs for augmenting their family income. It has been observed that, the health and hygiene condition of the tea garden labourers are very poor because of which the infant mortality rate is significantly high and many of them suffer from malnutrition.
Various departments are working to improve the situation. A multi pronged strategy involving ASRLMS, Food & Civil Supply and NHM are working together for improving health and hygiene profile of the community. The tea garden workers mostly suffer from nutritional deficiency because of non-availability of supply of nutritious food and proper drinking water as well as lack of purchasing power resulting in rise of maternal mortality rate & infant mortality rate among those people. Opening of Shops with available nutritious food items in tea garden areas may be a good and viable proposition to reduce the rate of MMR & IMR among the Tea Garden workers.
Opening of Nutrition Shop is a holistic approach of the ASRLMS under the guidance of the Govt. of Assam, considering the vulnerability context of the tea-garden labourer. It’s a shop which is stacked with nutritional food items including green leafy vegetables & fruits. Grocery items including Soaps and disinfectants will also be available for regular use by the labourers. One selected women SHG is the owner of this Shop and three selected member of the SHG will run this shop.
The day-to-day management of the shops will be done by a member of a selected Women SHG promoted and belonging to the community residing in the Estate.
It is started with phase manner, 1st Phase started on 2nd of October 2015 with inauguration of Twenty Four (24) Nos. of Nutrition Shops (Bagan Bazars) in the Tea Estate across the State of Assam.
Customer Service Point (CSP) has been installed at each Nutrition Shop (Bagan Bazar) to bring the tea-garden workers (at least one member from each house-hold) into the fold of financial inclusion; besides providing a scope of additional source of income for the SHG member who runs this CSP.
The average approximate earning range of a Nutrition Shop (Bagan Bazar) is Rs. 5000-10000/- per month. Till date Sixteen (16) nos. of Customer Service Point (CSP) have been installed at Nutrition Shop. Approximately 30-35 bank A/C is being opening by the each CSP per month.
At present a few Nutrition Shop are supplying food items to the Angonwadi centers. Besides these initiatives has been undertaken to install Public Distribution System (PDS) at the Nutrition Shop in collaboration with the Deputy Director, Food & Civil Supply.
Additional forty (40) nos. of Nutrition Shops have been opened during the FY 2016-17.
Project Implementation Status
Start Date: 2nd October 2015
End Date: Ongoing