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Government Of Assam Panchayat & Rural Development Assam State Rural Livelihoods Mission (ASRLM)

SHG gets Bank Loan

Bank Linkage Lending Norms

Eligibility criteria for the SHGs

• SHG should be in active existence at least since the last 6 months ; following “Panchasutra”
• Existing defunct SHGs are also eligible for credit if they are revived and continue to be active for a minimum period of 3 months.
Grading as per norms fixed by NABARD. as and when the Federations of the SHGs come to existence, the grading exercise can be done by the Federations to support the Banks.
Loan amount

• First dose: Rs. 50,000 or 4-8 times to the proposed corpus during the year whichever is higher.
• Second dose: Rs. 1 lakhs or 5- 10 times of existing corpus and proposed saving during the next twelve months, whichever is higher.
• Third dose: Minimum of Rs. 2 lakhs, based on the MCP prepared by the SHGs and appraised by the Federations/Support agency.
• Fourth dose onwards: Loan amount can be between Rs. 5-10 lakhs for fourth dose and/or higher in subsequent doses. The loan amount will be based on the MCP.
Type of facility and repayment:

• SHGs can avail either Term loan or a CCL loan or both based on the need.
Repayment schedule could be as follows:

• First dose - 6-12 installments.
• Second dose - 12-24 installments.
• Third dose - based on MCP - repayment either monthly/quarterly /half yearly based on the cash flow (2 to 5 Years)
• Fourth dose onwards: repayment has to be either monthly/quarterly /half yearly based on the cash flow (3 to 6 Years)
Security and Margin:

No collateral and no margin will be charged upto Rs. 10.00 lakhs limit to the SHGs