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Government Of Assam Panchayat & Rural Development Assam State Rural Livelihoods Mission (ASRLM)

Organisation Chart

ASRLMS implements the Mission under the broad guidance of the Executive Committee and Governing Body. The Chief Minister of the State is the Chairperson of the Governing Body of ASRLMS. Other members of the Governing Body include Minister (P & RD Deptt.), Chief Secretary and other officials from relevant ministries/ departments/government bodies, representatives of training institutes, academic institutions and the State Mission Director (SMD) of ASRLMS. The Executive Committee under the Chairpersonship of the Chief Secretary and members including the Principal Secretary (P & RD Deptt.) and Commissioners/Secretaries of relevant ministries/departments and SMD has been constituted and entrusted the responsibility of taking decisions on all important matters in the ASRLMS as per the Memorandum of Association with the Govt. of Assam. The staff structure of the ASRLMS is as given below:-

At State Mission Management Unit (SMMU) level:-

smmu image

At District Mission Management Unit (DMMU) level:-

dmmu image

At Block Mission Management Unit (BMMU) level:-

dmmu image