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Government Of Assam Panchayat & Rural Development Assam State Rural Livelihoods Mission (ASRLM)

Functions and Objectives

Guiding Principles

The poor have a strong and innate desire to come out of poverty. Social mobilization and building strong institutions of the poor are critical for unleashing the inherant capabilities of the poor. An external dedicated and sensitive support structure is required to induce the social mobilization, institution building and empowerment process.Facilitating knowledge dissemination, skill building, access to credit, access to marketing, and access to other livelihoods services underpin this upward mobility.


The core values which guide all the activities under NRLM are as follows:

  • Inclusion of the poorest, and meaningful role to the poorest in all the processes
  • Transparency and accountability of all processes and institutions
  • Ownership and key role of the poor and their institutions in all stages – planning, implementation, and, monitoring
  • Community self-reliance and self-dependence



  • To create an enabling and pro poor policy environment;
  • To contribute to the lives of the rural poor of the state through economic empowerment of the rural poor women and fostering strong, self managed grass root institutions;
  • To evolve strategies and approaches for the empowerment of the poor through social mobilization and institution building for community participation;
  • To build support and service structures for providing social and technical guidance to the poor in their overall social progress and livelihood development;
  • To strengthen and form producer co-operatives/collectives around key commodities, non-farm products and services and expanding people’s participation in existing commodity co-operatives and producer collectives;
  • To organize forum for show casing and supporting various innovations and experimentation with new ideas both for social service delivery and livelihoods promotion;
  • To support PRI in becoming more responsive and effective in last mile delivery of public services and entitlements of the poor;
  • To providing skill development training to rural youth for wage employment and self employment.